EEN OSH Ambassador

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia



Mission Statement

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS) is an independent, modern and responsible non-budgetary institution, a national association of all Serbian businesspeople, which serves the best interests of its members and the Serbian economy, owing to its tradition, experience and knowledge. Key commitment is to make Serbia visible as a market economy country, with investment opportunities, open borders, and ready to join the European trends in a competitive way.
A 160-year tradition of the Serbian chamber system and the developed chamber network, Representative Offices abroad, are the guarantor of efficient implementation of the support mechanisms for the economy and businesspeople in their activities.
The Enterprise Europe Network has been active in Serbia since its beginning, providing services to SMEs through the EEN Serbia Consortium that consists of 6 relevant and experienced institutions: Business Incubator Novi Sad, Innovation Centre of Mechanical Faculty in Belgrade, Institute Mihajlo Pupin, University of Niš, Development Agency of Serbia and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia as its coordinator.
CCIS has been a partner and coordinator of national and international projects in internationalization and export promotion, OSH, corporate social responsibility, R&D and innovation, digitalization and education of the economy and many others.