

From riders to nurses, cleaners and translators: explore the diverse profiles of platform workers

Digital platform work takes many forms, mirroring the diversity found across the sectors it encompasses. This article provides an overview of who are the digital platform workers and what type of jobs and tasks they carr...

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HSE+ engages Italian readers on the new campaign and digital platform work

One of the newest additions to the network of media partners, HSE+ based in Italy, has recently brought attention to the 2023-25 Healthy Workplaces Campaign ‘Safe and healthy work in the digital age’ through several arti...

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Sendu inn þína tilnefningu til verðlauna fyrir góða starfshætti á tímum stafrænnar vinnu!

Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards er allra hagur. Verðlaunin eru skipulögð í samstarfi við landsskrifstofur okkar og hvetur áfram allar gerðir stofnana um alla Evrópu sem sýna fram á nýstárlegar aðferðir til að stu...

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Upplýsingamynd meðal nýrra auðlinda á stafrænum vettvangi

Stafræn vettvangsvinna nær yfir margs konar störf og starfsmenn sem standa frammi fyrir mjög fjölbreyttum vinnuverndaráskorunum. Til að bæta við fyrirliggjandi úrræði til að auka vitund um þetta forgangsverkefni herferða...

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Digital innovation in preventive healthcare: insights from International ORP Foundation's webinar

The International ORP Foundation, a new official campaign partner of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2023-25 'Safe and healthy work in the digital age', recently hosted a webinar titled 'Digitalisation and wellbeing: a n...

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