

HSE+ engages Italian readers on the new campaign and digital platform work

One of the newest additions to the network of media partners, HSE+ based in Italy, has recently brought attention to the 2023-25 Healthy Workplaces Campaign ‘Safe and healthy work in the digital age’ through several arti...

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Indsend dit bidrag til prisuddelingen for god praksis, og gå den digitale tidsalder i møde!

Priserne for god arbejdsmiljøpraksis, der er organiseret i samarbejde med vores nationale focal points, belønner alle typer organisationer i hele Europa og præsenterer innovative tilgange, der fremmer arbejdstagernes tri...

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Infografik blandt nye materialer om digitalt platformsarbejde

Det digitale platformsarbejde omfatter en lang række job og arbejdere, der står over for meget forskellige arbejdsmiljøudfordringer. For at supplere de eksisterende materialer, der skal skabe opmærksomhed om dette priori...

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Digital innovation in preventive healthcare: insights from International ORP Foundation's webinar

The International ORP Foundation, a new official campaign partner of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2023-25 'Safe and healthy work in the digital age', recently hosted a webinar titled 'Digitalisation and wellbeing: a n...

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The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) is promoting awareness of digitalisation in the healthcare sector

In the winter edition of the magazine published by our official campaign partner, The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME), William Cockburn, EU-OSHA Executive Director, contributed a guest article shedding ligh...

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